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Incubate With Us

Nidhi EIR
KIET-Technology Business Incubator is one of the 10 approved NIDHI-EIR centres by National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Govt of India. 10 startups incubators had been selected as Program Execution Partners under NIDHI-EIR program from all over India and KIET-TBI is one of them as PEP. The NIDHI-EIR Programme would provide subsistence grant upto Rs.30,000 per month to an aspiring or budding entrepreneur of considerable potential for pursuing a promising technology business idea.
Nidhi EIR
KIET-Technology Business Incubator is one of the 10 approved NIDHI-EIR centres by National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Govt of India. 10 startups incubators had been selected as Program Execution Partners under NIDHI-EIR program from all over India and KIET-TBI is one of them as PEP. The NIDHI-EIR Programme would provide subsistence grant upto Rs.30,000 per month to an aspiring or budding entrepreneur of considerable potential for pursuing a promising technology business idea.
National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Government of India supporting Technology Business Incubators is mainly associated with academic and research institutions to leverage technologies and innovations for venture creation. Converting technologies and research into start-up ventures has a long product development and revenue generation time. To inspire the best talents to be entrepreneurs, minimize the risk involved in pursuing start-ups, and to partially set off their opportunity costs of high paying jobs, NSTEDB has introduced NIDHI-Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIR) Programme.
- Aspirants will receive monthly fellowship of maximum of Rs.30,000/- per month for a period of twelve months. Grant amount can vary between Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000 depending on the quality of the start-up.
- Aspirants will be given mentorship and handholding for activities related to IP management, legal and contract, mobilizing resources and other business development.
The KIET-TBI under NIDHI-EIR support recipient (EIR) will be eligible for fellowship maximum of Rs.30,000/- per month with a minimum level of Rs.20,000/- per month for a period of 12 months. KIET-TBI will evaluate the applications according to the guidelines set by NSTEDB.
- The EIR applicant should be citizen of India. An Indian citizen is defined as one who is in possession of a government approved proof of nationality such as a valid passport, voter’s id etc.
- The EIR applicant should have completed
- Minimum 4 years of formal full time undergraduate/post graduate education towards one or more degree program. Basic degree or diploma should be in science or engineering. OR
- 3 years degree or diploma program and have 2 year full time work experience post degree or diploma. Basic degree or diploma should be in science or engineering.
- The EIR is expected to be committed to exploring a business idea. Typical NIDHI-EIR needing the support is a first generation innovative entrepreneur, who has no prior source of income. NIDHI-EIR support recipient should not treat this support as a stop gap arrangement to support them in their academic pursuits or transition between jobs.
- NIDHI-EIR seeking the support should demonstrate his ability to build a scalable technology business startup. The background of the NIDHI-EIR needs to be provided in a prescribed format.
- Funding under NIDHI EIR Call 3 is divided under three heads namely – EIRs from General Category; EIRs from SC category and EIRs from ST category. Candidates applying under the SC and ST categories should provide a caste certificate as will be requested by the PEP at the time of application..
- The NIDHI-EIR support recipient should propose one technology business idea in a prescribed format.
- NIDHI-EIR support recipient are expected to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations full time. NIDHI-EIR cannot be concurrent with any other remuneration or fellowship.
- NIDHI-EIR support recipient cannot be the promoter or significant (>10%) share holder / beneficiary of another company at the time of applying for and receiving the grant approval
- The NIDHI-EIR should be registered for the pre-incubation or incubation program at the TBI for the entire duration of NIDHI-EIR support.
- Preference shall be given for a) technology business ideas with larger technology uncertainties and/ or long gestation periods, b) technology business ideas leveraging technology or IP from publicly funded research or academic organizations, c) technology business ideas with considerable potential for social impact.
- Entrepreneurs pursuing business ideas with no or marginal technology innovation or those with very short journey (i.e less than 6 months) to commercialization are discouraged to apply.
- NIDHI-EIR seeking support should have a formal business plan for the idea they intend to pursue and a business presentation including the investment proposal.
- Student applicants pursuing long term research projects like doctoral research projects or similar projects will not be supported.
- Professors or Academicians engaged in teaching with any academic or R&D institute.
- The project should involve physical product development. The projects relating to software development and those involving pure academic research are not eligible.
The outcome of the PRAYAS programme will be analysed based on the following parameters. 60% of the innovators:
- Should have the working prototype within 18 months.
- Progress towards IP filing, commercialization in form of licensing or Start-up.
- Funding/ Investment received.
- Expression of interest from manufactures.
Nidhi Prayas
DST supported National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovation (NIDHI) programs About NIDHI- Promotion and Acceleration of Young and Aspiring innovators and start-ups (PRAYAS) program focuses on supporting innovators to develop their innovative idea into prototypes. This program would attract a large number of youngsters to come forward to try out their ideas without actually worrying about failure.

Nidhi Prayas
DST supported National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovation (NIDHI) programs About NIDHI- PRomotion and Acceleration of Young and Aspiring innovators and start-ups (PRAYAS) program focuses on supporting innovators to develop their innovative idea into prototypes. This program would attract a large number of youngsters to come forward to try out their ideas without actually worrying about failure. NIDHI-PRAYAS is positioned as a pre-incubation initiative.
- To enable the translation of an innovative idea to a prototype.
- To provide a platform for faster experimentation and modify approaches in the idea to market journey.
- To generate innovative solutions relevant to local and global problems.
- To attract a large number of youth who demonstrates problem solving zeal and abilities to work on their new technology/knowledge/innovation-based startups.
- To enhance the pipeline in terms of quality and quantity of innovative startups to the incubators.
- To build a vibrant innovation ecosystem, by establishing a network between innovators, academia, mentors and incubators.
- A prototype grants up to a maximum of Rs. 10, 00,000/- to build their ideas into prototype to each idea.
- Access to infrastructure, mentorship.
- Co-working spaces for developing ideas into Prototypes.
- Individual innovator:
- He / She is required to be an Indian Citizen at least 18 years of age on the 1st of August 2018. An Indian citizen is defined as one who is in possession of government-approved proof of Nationality such as a valid passport, voter’s id etc.
- Existing incubatee of a PRAYAS centre:
- The company is less than 2 years and wants to develop the prototype for a new product, for which they may have not received a similar kind of support.
- The company should have no significant revenue at the time of application.
- Team of individual innovator:
- If the team wants to pursue the project, then there has to be an agreement among the team about the lead applicant and the lead applicant have to apply for NIDHI-PRAYAS. The financial support (after the selection process) will be given to the lead applicant on behalf of the team.
- The priority areas for supporting innovations under the NIDHI PRAYAS program are manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, clean-tech, energy, water and Internet of Things (IoT) and other technology areas.
- Preference may be given to those innovators:
- Who have bootstrapped or have got co-investment commitment.
- Who have a clear road map for commercialization or start-up creation.
- Women innovators
- Young innovators
- If the innovator is pursuing to build a prototype from their institute/organization IP, then in that case innovator will take NOC from the appropriate authority of their institute/organization for use / IP transfer/ownership in favour of the innovator/startup.
- If the applicant is studying /working in an institute/organization, they should get a no-objection certificate from that respective institute/organization for applying to NIDHI PRAYAS.
- The NIDHI-PRAYAS grantee should be registered for the pre-incubation or incubation program at the PSG – STEP for the entire duration of the program, after going through the selection process.
- NIDHI-PRAYAS grantee should be fully committed to working towards the prototype development for which the support is being sought and should not treat this as a stop-gap arrangement to support any other pursuits.
- The innovator can avail the NIDHI-PRAYAS support only once and they should not have sought similar support previously, from other Government of India organizations/Institutions for the same innovative concept as proposed in the application form.
- Student applicants pursuing long term research projects like doctoral research projects or similar projects will not be supported.
- Professors or Academicians engaged in teaching with any academic or R&D institute.
- The project should involve physical product development. The projects relating to software development and those involving pure academic research are not eligible.
The outcome of the PRAYAS programme will be analysed based on the following parameters.
60% of the innovators:
- Should have the working prototype within 18 months.
- Progress towards IP filing, commercialization in form of licensing or Start-up.
- Funding/ Investment received.
- Expression of interest from manufacturers.

Seed Support System
The basic idea of seed support is providing financial assistance to potential startups with promising ideas, innovations and technologies. This would enable some of these incubatee startups with innovative ideas/technologies to graduate to a level where they will be able to raise investments from angel/Venture capitalist or they will reach a position to seek loans from commercial banks /financial institutions.
Seed Support System
The basic idea of seed support is providing financial assistance to potential startups with promising ideas, innovations and technologies. This would enable some of these incubatee startups with innovative ideas/technologies to graduate to a level where they will be able to raise investments from angel/Venture capitalist or they will reach a position to seek loans from commercial banks /financial institutions. Thus the proposed seed support disbursed by an incubator to an incubatee is positioned to act as a bridge between development and commercialization of innovative technologies/products/services in a relatively hassle free manner.
- The Seed Support would be disbursed to incubatees, essentially first-generation entrepreneurs (physical resident units within TBI) who are registered units and there exist a proper legal agreement between the incubatee and TBI.
- The funds would cater to early-stage funding for indigenous ideas and technologies requiring up-scaling and related work
- The funds would be disbursed to the deserving incubatees with proper due diligence by the TBI.
- This assistance would be used by the incubated entrepreneur only and would not be used by the incubator for facility creation.
- The fund would be managed by identified TBIs selected by NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India.
- A modest seed financial support with an upper limit of Rs. 50.00 lakhs to a start-up in most deserving cases. Ideally, the seed fund maybe around 20 lakhs to benefit more number of incubates.
- The terms of disbursement to the selected incubatees should be linked to benchmarks/milestones as per the business plan/project proposal.
- A period of five years.
- The seed fund will be treated as a soft loan.
- Limit – up to Rs. 20.00 lacs.
- Rate of interest – 6% (at a reduced rate) & repayment will start after six months.
- Students/promoters
- The company have to be registered with ROC
- Private Limited Company
- Partnership registered
- Companies of thrust area – ICT / Electronic / ME.
- Companies having innovative/technology-based products/services.
- Realistic financial demonstration.
- Significant revenue earning with 2-3 years.
- The seed support to the startups would be intended for support in the following priority areas :
- Product development
- Testing and Trials
- Test Marketing
- Mentoring
- Professional Consultancy (To attract professors/experts from institutions to work with start ups.)
- IPR issues
- Manpower for day to day operations
- Incubatee should be a registered company with minimum of three months residency at the TBI
- Incubatee has to be an Indian start-up. This support is not meant for Indian Subsidiaries of MNCs/foreign companies. Persons holding Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) would be considered as Indian citizens for the purpose of this scheme.
- The share holding by Indian promoters in the incubate start up should be atleast 51%.
Tide 2.0
Tide 2.0 stands for Technology Incubation & Development of Entrepreneurs. TIDE 2.0 is a Scheme for strengthening close to 200 Technology Startups in selected areas of national concern by leveraging emerging technologies and empowering incubation centers.

The main objective of the program is to nurture the students & startups innovation by validation and development of their idea. The program provides a support platform for the aspiring entrepreneurs to develop their innovation through a technology
enabling environment having access to a fellowship grant of 4 lakhs, networks, mentors and other fellow entrepreneurs.
Program Timeline: 12 Months
1. The applicant must have completed the basic graduation in Basic Sciences/ Engineering/ Biotechnology/ Medicine/ Law etc. as on the date of accepting EIR.
2. The applicant should be a citizen of India with possession of a government-approved proof of nationality such as a valid passport, voter’s id etc.
3. The innovator must be under the age of 35.
4. TIDE 2.0 EIR supported recipients should not treat this support as a stop-gap arrangement to support them in their academic pursuits or transition between jobs.
5. The applicant must have to register his/her own company within 3 months of the acceptance of EIR.
6. Preferences will be given to Women entrepreneurs.
7. Preferences will be given to ideas with a granted/published patent or at least a provisional patent applied.
8. Preferences will be given for a well-structured dedicated team working towards innovation.
The program mainly targets a valid PoC to be transformed to prototype or a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by providing ample opportunities and support in terms of product development assistance, access to technical experts and mentoring. Thus the program provides facility for the development of POC/ready product thus bridging the gap between idea and prototype funding.
Program Timeline: 12 months (May be extended to 18 months in special cases with approval from the committee).
1. The applicant must have completed the basic graduation in Basic Sciences/ Engineering/ Biotechnology/ Medicine/ Law etc. as on the date of accepting EIR.
2. The applicant should be citizen of India with possession of a government
approved proof of nationality such as a valid passport, voter’s id etc.
3. The innovator must be under the age of 35.
4. The applicant may be individual innovator or a nascent startup (less than 2 years old as on the date of application).
5. The applicant (if not a startup) must be willing to incorporate a company within 3 months of the acceptance of TIDE 2.0 Grant.
6. TIDE 2.0 Grant support recipient should not treat this support as a stop gap
arrangement to support them in their academic pursuits or transition between jobs.
7. Preferences will be given to Woman entrepreneurs.
8. Preferences will be given to idea with a granted/published patent or at least a provisional patent applied.
9. Preferences will be given for a well-structured dedicated team working towards
the innovation.
Training Programs
To create awareness among faculty and students of Engineering and Science courses about various facets of entrepreneurship as an alternative career option as also to highlight the merits of pursuing such an option.
Targeted Group: Students of Engg. College/Diplomas/Science & others.
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) aims at training the S&T graduates and diploma holders in the essentials of conceiving, planning, initiating, and launching an economic activity or an enterprise successfully.
Targeted Group: Unemployed Youth of Engg./Science Graduate/Diplomas
TEDP is a structured training programme designed to motivate and
develop entrepreneurs in specific Products/ technologies / processes developed by CSIR labs, R&D institutions, universities etc.
Targeted Group: Unemployed Youth of Engg./Science Graduate/Diplomas
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) aims at equipping
teachers/trainers with skills and knowledge that are essential for inculcating entrepreneurial values in students, guiding, and monitoring their progress towards entrepreneurial career.
Targeted Group: Faculty of Engg./Management stream
Build capacity for skill development in various sectors and provide pathways for re-skilling and up-skilling workers in these identified sectors, to enable them to transition into formal sector employment.
Targeted Group: Artisans/Semi-skilled/ Unemploy Youth/Women/Prisoners
The Objective of this program is to encourage local community, faith leaders, panchayat representatives, teachers , school children and local residents as well as marginal farmers from rural area of Distt. Ghaziabad for the adoption of best practices and dissemination of health and hygiene to prevent the community from COVID19.
Targeted Group:
The objective of the training programme shall be to give hands on exposure on best practices of health and hygiene which will be aligned with the advisory of Ministry of Health. Under the programme, we will expose them towards concept of social distancing, cleaning, enhancing immunity, use of digital payment, as well as skill training for manufacturing mask and sanitizer.
Targeted Group: Students and Teachers (8th -12th Class)
The objective of these workshops is to make innovators and tech entrepreneurs aware of the rapid prototyping using 3-D printing and 3 -D scanning.
Targeted Group: Students, innovators, incubates, faculty members
Involvement of Embedded Control System is now-a-days in every product or system. Therefore, these workshops find very much relevance for the prototype developers in all the sectors.
Every kind of 8 bit and 16-bit controllers with all I/O interfacing is available with TBI by virtue of which various hands-on workshops are being conducted.
Targeted Group: Students, innovators, incubates, faculty members
The objective of these is to make innovators and tech entrepreneurs aware of the digital transformation of every stage of business and enterprise building be it supply chain management, product development, customer relationship management (CRM) etc.
Targeted Group: Students, innovators, incubates, faculty members