Incubated Companies

Support for Entrepreneuruial and Manaerial Development of SMEs through Incubator by DCMSME, Govt. of India

SR. No. Name of the FounderCompany NameProduct/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
18Jhasni R&D Centre Mr. Amit Verma Device to counter pre-ignition625,000 Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Vatsal Asthana E-commerce 625,000
19TECH AT IMr. Atitosh Kr. Singh Cata-Anaerobic Gas Plant 616,000
1Human Rukh Technologies India Mr. Rahat Ullah Khan Wireless Electrical Fault Recognition System 625,000
14Leading Edge Technology Mr. Amit Pandey Recalculating catalytic converter580,000
16Vizortex R&D Pvt. Ltd.Mr. Vishwanath Singh Rongo Reaper for Wheat Cutting Manually.625,000
2P.R. Electrial & Electronics Mr. Pulkit Srivastava Development of Low Cost Bicycle LED based dynamo and mobile charger527,000
12Pratimesh Labs Mr. Prabhat Kumar/Anubhav VatsComplete blood cell count device. 600,000
15Sapro Robotics Mr. Sanjeev MalikSmart Gloves for deaf & dumb people 560,000
11Autosafe Mr. Jitendra Kumar Singh Mechanical Crash Censor580,000
6AAS Enterprises Mr. Amit Kumar Solar Power Cum Hand Operated Tricycle for Physically Challenged616,000
3Kits an Incubator Mr. Himanshu Tripathi Pure sine wave inverter with efficiency greater than 90%.625,000
20D. Devshi Engineers Pvt, Ltd. Mr. Rahvindra Singh Machuara Innovation (A device which aware about imaginary border lines)620,000
7Realectronic Solutions Mr. Siddharth Low cost Airborne surveillance625,000
10ATRIM Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Shasank Saxena Tube-well automation578,000
9SRB Designs & Solutions Mr. Saurabh Chowdhary3600 Air Cooler 578,000
8Immortals Mr. Tuhin Srivastava Krishak-Mini Farm Tractor625,000
4Boltech Mr. Jitanshu Sharma/Mr. Alok Kumar Unmanned railway crossing device (under development)625,000
5Orchid Tech LabMr. Pranjal Verma Advance roving device for rescue operaiton625,000
Drive Eco Friendly Mr. Abhishek Gupta Selectable all wheel steering570,000

Seed Supported Startups (Supported by DST, Govt. of India)

Sr. No.Name of the CompanyName of the IncubateeProduct/Service Supported Amount (INR)
1Gopala Multimedia & Animation Software Services Mr. Vinay Ahlawat Multimedia & Animation, Software Development, e-learning content 700,000
2Realectronic Solutions Mr. Siddharth Assembling of Lab Equipment & Trading400,000
3AJ SoftMr. Ashutosh Singh Software Development & Website development 23,000
4Sun Bios Software Development Mr. Dinkar Prasad singh Software Development 75,000
5Immortals Mr. Tuhin Srivastava Krishak-A Mini Farm Tractor 625,000
6Sapro Robotics (Sapro )Mr. Sanjeev MalikRemote Control on/off Switch & Fans 400,000
7Vizortex R&D Pvt. Ltd.Mr. Vishwanath Singh Automatic on/off street light system (JUGNU) 235,400
8SRB Designs & Solutions Mr. Saurabh ChowdharyChipper Shredder for Bio-Compost Industry 443,604
9Smart Technology Mr. Arun Yadav
Mrs. Shweta
Automation 500,000
10ATRIM Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Shasank Saxena Mr. Shivam Dikshit GPS Car Tracker Device, Cool Connect, Acrylic LED signage, Token display, GSM modem, Tubewell automation through mobile programme. 1,904,750
11Jhasni R&D Centre Mr. Amit Verma Device to Counter Pre-ignition 446,550
12D. Devshi Engineers Pvt, Ltd. Mr. Rahvindra Singh Manufacturing of home automation gadgets & navigation modules650,000
13Enray Solution LLPMr. Rishabh Bhardwaj Solar Panel Cleaning System785,000
14Oston Technology pvt. Ltd. Mr. Syar Singh Smart retrofit toilet kit to transform existing toilet into Divyang friendly toilet.1,500,000


Round 1

Sr. No.Name of the FounderCompany NameProduct/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
1Mr. Rishabh Bhardwaj Enray Solution LLPSolar Panel Cleaning System600,000
2Mr. Ajay kumar SainiZeolr Technologies Pvt. Ltd. RespirON-A smart asthama & COPD management platform500,000
3Mr. Abhay SharmaKyari Innovations Pvt. Ltd.ANIDERS (Animal Intrusion Detection and Repellent system400,000
4Mr. Puneet kumar BatraAvrio Energy Pvt. Ltd. SmartSol-leveraging data to build a sustainable and secure energy future800,000
5Mr. Akhilesh RaiYet to registerSmart Mali, Autonomous vertical garden sytem, 250,000
6Ms. Gayatri RaiTorpedo Innovation LLPTech-Turtle500,000
7Mr. Ankit Singh RawatYet to register Cattle dung paper manufacturing machine250,000
8Mr. Ayush Garg/Mr. Aman Singhal Yet to register Solartrix600,000
9Mr. Abhishek Singh RathoreAtulya Motors LLPPrototype of Electric motorcycle800,000
10Mr. Sudhir kumar RaiYet to registerAll in one solution of milk600,000
11Ms. Saloni MittalEarth & Pots Planting Solution LLPClean air through plantys400,000
12Mr. Alok kumar YadavAdamy Motors LLPHybrid Electric Bicycle500,000
13Mr. Somya SaxenaYet to registerVriddha600,000
14Mr. Kunaal punjSleep Khopcha LLPSleep khopcha600,000
15Mr. Anshul GuptaYet to registerPermanent kerb stone cleaner400,000
16Mr. Mohd. Lokhandwala Mechatron Uberlegen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Clutchomatic: An automatic clutch operating system for a vehicle.700,000
17Mr. Inderjeet singh Inderhal LLPSingle powered rotor for various agricultural activities such as ploughing, making furrows and rides, sowing seeds, cutting and collection small crops.350,000
18Mr. Avinash Chandra Pal D-Town Robotics Pvt. Ltd. Counter-UAV System 550,000
19Mr. Ankit Tyagi Yet to registerOn field rice straw management: Bio-energy pellets from unwanted straw. 400,000
20Mr. Anuj VishwakarmaAnuj Vishwakarma Shri Shayam Electronics Pvt. Ltd.Manufacture of Electrical machinery and apparatus N.E.C.200,000

Round 2

Sr. No.Name of the FounderCompany NameProduct/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
1Mr. Rishabh Bhardwaj Enray Solution LLPSolar Panel Cleaning System600,000
2Mr. Ajay kumar SainiZeolr Technologies Pvt. Ltd. RespirON-A smart asthama & COPD management platform500,000
3Mr. Abhay SharmaKyari Innovations Pvt. Ltd.ANIDERS (Animal Intrusion Detection and Repellent system400,000
4Mr. Puneet kumar BatraAvrio Energy Pvt. Ltd. SmartSol-leveraging data to build a sustainable and secure energy future800,000
5Mr. Akhilesh RaiYet to registerSmart Mali, Autonomous vertical garden sytem, 250,000
6Ms. Gayatri RaiTorpedo Innovation LLPTech-Turtle500,000
7Mr. Ankit Singh RawatYet to register Cattle dung paper manufacturing machine250,000
8Mr. Ayush Garg/Mr. Aman Singhal Yet to register Solartrix600,000
9Mr. Abhishek Singh RathoreAtulya Motors LLPPrototype of Electric motorcycle800,000
10Mr. Sudhir kumar RaiYet to registerAll in one solution of milk600,000
11Ms. Saloni MittalEarth & Pots Planting Solution LLPClean air through plantys400,000
12Mr. Alok kumar YadavAdamy Motors LLPHybrid Electric Bicycle500,000
13Mr. Somya SaxenaYet to registerVriddha600,000
14Mr. Kunaal punjSleep Khopcha LLPSleep khopcha600,000
15Mr. Anshul GuptaYet to registerPermanent kerb stone cleaner400,000
16Mr. Mohd. Lokhandwala Mechatron Uberlegen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Clutchomatic: An automatic clutch operating system for a vehicle.700,000
17Mr. Inderjeet singh Inderhal LLPSingle powered rotor for various agricultural activities such as ploughing, making furrows and rides, sowing seeds, cutting and collection small crops.350,000
18Mr. Avinash Chandra Pal D-Town Robotics Pvt. Ltd. Counter-UAV System 550,000
19Mr. Ankit Tyagi Yet to registerOn field rice straw management: Bio-energy pellets from unwanted straw. 400,000
20Mr. Anuj VishwakarmaAnuj Vishwakarma Shri Shayam Electronics Pvt. Ltd.Manufacture of Electrical machinery and apparatus N.E.C.200,000

TIDE 2.0 (Grants Details) Supported by MEITY, Govt. of India

Sr. No.Name of the FounderCompany NameProduct/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
1Mr. Kumar Satyam Bhurak Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Artificial intellengence surveliiance/Mass Survelliance and tagging system 500,000
2Mr. Deep Singh Quest Technologies LLPAugmented reality based e-learning tools 860,000
3Mr. Ganesh ChaudharyYet to registerDineo: Contactless order management platfrom 400,000

TIDE 2.0 (EIR Details) Supported by MEITY, Govt. of India

Sr. No.Name of the FounderCompany NameProduct/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
1Mr. Jitendra SharmaYet to registerConnecting Farmers to Agronomist400,000
2Mr. Siddhant SrivastavaMetro Online Ticketing System Pvt. Ltd. Ease the travel while travelling in metro 200,000
3Mr. Sushil Kumar PalAni Scrap Pvt. Ltd.Mobile Application Platform to sell scrap material 200,000

NIDHI EIR (Supported by DST, Govt. of India)

Round 1

Sr. No.Name of the FounderCompany NameProduct/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
1Mr. Tushar Goel TOTEM Solutions LLPRental of Console Games (Physical/Streaming)
Online streaming rental
2Mr. Sandeep Soni Soni Brothers Ecom Pvt. Ltd. Apni Care – E-commerce, ALHS, Social Network300,000
3Mr. Nasar Ahemad Wahidi Coeus Steelix LLPIoT based Solar Power Plant Monitoring360,000
5Mr. Raju Kumar Singh Mahip-Inno Lab Solutions LLPSmart Waste Management System300,000
6Mr. Neeraj Kumar Ai Magnifi Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Artificial intelligence & Computer Vision
(Retail, healthcare, Govt. defence)
7Mr. Devarshi Mishra Yet to registerCore service to everyone technology artificial intelligence & computer vision, CCTV Surveillance250,000
8Mr. Swapnil Narhari Gaul Numeregion OPC Pvt. Ltd. Computer Simulation Software to provide simulation driven solution to various aspects of engineering360,000
9Mr. Alok Gupta - - -Smart Helmet240,000
10Mr. Rishabh Bhardwaj Enray Solution LLPSolar Panel Cleaning System360,000
11Mr. Abhishek Singh RathoreAtulya Motors LLPPrototype of Electric motorcycle300,000
12Mr. Alok kumar YadavAdamy Motors LLPHybrid Electric Bicycle300,000

Round 2

Sr. No.Name of the Incubatee Company Product/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
1Mr. Sanjay Kumar PandeyKRISHAKKART AGRO INNOVATION LLPKisan Cart- online agriculture machinary 300,000
2Mr. Animesh kumar SrivastavaGyanjula Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Gyanjula-AI based assessments300,000
3Mr. Raman SharmaHyperx Energy Pvt. Ltd. Advanced driver assist system based perforrmance Electric Motorcycle with modular powertrain architecture360,000
4Mr. Pradeep Kumar - - -Electromagnetic energy to produce large amount of electricity 37,500
5Mr. Sudesh UpadhayVedakshar Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Online Inverter300,000
6Mr. Kumar Kalika Prayush Farm LLPReusable flow monitoring device360,000
7Mr. Praval Kumar Yet to registerWaste management & Processing 360,000
8Mr. Vipin KarhanaR Cube Green Technologies LLPSmart Motor Meter for ground water monitoring and control300,000
9Mr. Akhand Pratap Singh Vyamanik Aerospace Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 2D & 3D Mapping with Drones360,000
10Mr. Syar Singh Oston Technology pvt. Ltd. Transform existing toilet into a friendly toilet for physically challenge people.300,000
11Mr. Deep Singh Quest Technologies LLPAugmented reality based e-learning tools 360,000

Round 3

Sr. No.Name of the Incubatee Company Product/ServicesSupport Provided (INR)
1Ms. Pratishtha TiwariYet to registerProduct/Services360,000
2Mr. Harshit JainAnchiale Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Development of low cost water activated powerless heat wraps for efficient thermotherapypowerless heat wraps for efficient thermotherapy360,000
3Mr. Parth VermaBAKZ4EVER (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED Carbon Bank360,000
4Mr. Vikrant YadavYet to registerDevelopment of MK 2 (a low cost commercial ready indigenous microlight aircraft)360,000
5Mr. Ankish GautamWUD Theory Pvt. Ltd.Smart Ventilated Chair360,000
6Mr. Pawanesh KumarYet to registerAutomatic zero clearance reaper machine with electric drive designed360,000
7Mr. Nitin Kumar -Refrigerator cooling Savior 360,000
8Mr. Amit Naglu-Intelligent Lift Operation System360,000
9Neeraj Kumar-Smart agriculture360,000

Incubated Startups

Sr. NoName of the FounderCompany NameProduct/Services
1Mr. Rohit Manglik Edugorilla Community Pvt. Ltd. Online Mock Test
2Mr. Amit Singh Sengar Tettly Soft Tech. Pvt. Ltd. Manpower outsourcing services & iSnack machines
3Mr. Roshan Agrawal Siddhast Intellectual Propperty Right pvt. Ltd. Patent Information, Consulting & Trainng, Business Intelligence & analytics
4Mr. Ashutosh Agarwal Blue Ink Infotech pvt. Ltd. Development of Educational learning content
5Mr. Roopam Goenka Steps India TechnologiesWebsite Development, Network & Security Installation, Software Solution & Development
6Mr. Narendra Kumar Legion Sotwares Software & Webstie development
7Mr. Abhay Find Bharat Software Development
8Mr. Lokesh Clubleaks Webstie & Software development
9Mr. Hasan RazaICADTechnical/Consultancy services, N.E.C.
10Mr. Saurabh Singhal MG Corporation Food retail chain (Big treat, Mougli Express).
Software development
11Mr. Jassie Singh Wilkho
Mr. Shashank
AJS Production Pvt. Ltd. Radio Ad for promotion of product/brand/org./company.
Bacground score for short films.
Mix and master of a pre-recorded songs.
12Mr. Ashish D. Thombre
Mr. Ameer Faisal
SNF Power Conversion Solution Photo Voltaic Energy Conversion System Installation & Maintenance .
Products based on modern power converters.
13Ms. Ankita Dwivedi ANSA R&D Centre (ANSA RETAIL PRIVATE LIMITED) IT Services.
Facility Management Services .
Consultancy for Solar Air-conditioning
14Mr. Sanjay Maurya JUGAAD Enterprises Recycle of oil drum & tire for furniture, lamp, dining table, chairs etc.
15Mr. Ambesh ASAP Motor Sports LLP Mechanical & Automobile design consultancy.
16Mr. Sandeep DhakaDhaka Metrology And Measuring InstrumentsDigi-Num Fuel Meter